Environmental policy of Rapid Images

1. Environmental Awareness

1.1. We at Rapid Images AB see protecting the environment as part of our core values. In taking measures such as those outlined below, we aim to continue to reduce our environmental footprint. We recognize that our business has a corporate social responsibility to enhance the environment and promote the long-term sustainability. We aim to inspire our staff, vendors and sub-contractors to do the same.

2. In this policy, Rapid Images AB commits to:

2.1. Understanding and managing our environmental risks with the goal of minimizing or eliminating those risks.

2.2. Ensuring the environment is considered in our investment and corporate strategies, procurement and the services we offer.

2.3. Actively working to minimize pollution, manage waste and reduce pollution.

2.4. Engaging with our customers, employees and shareholder on environmental issues and transparently reporting on our environmental performance.

2.5. Providing all employees with the training and education necessary to meet our objectives.

2.6. Complying with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

2.7. Regularly review environmental objectives and targets.

2.8. Openly communicate our policies and practices to interested and approved parties.

2.9. To monitor and record our environmental impacts on a regular basis and compare our performance with set policies, objectives and targets.

3. Our Policy

3.1. Our environmental policy reflects our commitment to environmental sustainability and our precautionary approach. It also demonstrates our awareness that our actions are important for our clients, our employees and our business performance.

4. Waste and Recycle

4.1. Rapid Images AB commits to reducing our waste products, purchasing reusable products wherever possible, recycling relevant products and any toxic materials to protect the environment.

4.2. We use Renova as our sub-contractor. They are certified to take care of our used material in best possible way.

     • Assure that waste is stored in a secure place.
     • Use suitable containers used for waste to prevent it escaping.
     • Containers clearly labelled with the type of waste they contain.
     • Eliminate risk of fire.
     • Safe transportation. Hazardous waste
     • Handling and destruction/recycling of electronic equipment.
     • Print toner/cartridges.
     • Batteries.
     • Hazardous waste containers & packaging.

5. Energy

5.1. Rapid Images AB commits to use renewable energy to protect the environment.

     • More than 60% of our electricity consumption is renewable.
     • Goal for year 2025, to have 100% renewable energy.
     • Server hosting sub-contractor uses 100% renewable electricity.
     • We encourage our suppliers and sub-contractors to follow.
     • Change all lightbulbs, screens etc to LED
     • Use motion-sensing light controls where possible 

6. Pollution

6.1. Rapid Images AB commits to reducing any toxic materials to the environment.

     • New Car Policy 2020 to encourage movement towards electric cars.
     • Goal for year 2025, to have 100% electric cars in our car-fleet.
     • Work for electric charging stations at our office to year 2022.
     • Encourage employees and sub-contractors to use public transportation
     • Stimulate employees to work from home when possible.
     • Minimize business travel but when necessary always use train as first option
     • Near sourcing, we choose vendors and services close to our business when applicable.

7. Continuous work

7.1. Rapid Images AB commits to investigate time and resources and continue work towards a circularity system. Examples of activities to investigate in during year 2020.

     • Buy re-used furniture's to the office instead of new.
     • Always aim to use certified sub-contractors and suppliers.
     • Give away or sell useable not wanted company equipment.
     • More digital to decrease our use of paper and prints.

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